MAKE AVAILABLE TO OUR CUSTOMERS the most advanced Technologies, Information and Communication Systems and Training, with a systemic approach.
Our goal is to understand the functions of Information and Communications Systems as a set of activities in which CALS works closely with its clients to achieve greater integration and efficiency, in order to make their business more profitable. The intention is to:
VIEWIncorporate Systemic Thinking in Organizations for their Transformation and for the behavior of People, given the complexity of the Change of Era .MISSIONAccompany Organizations in the change processes imposed by the Change of Era through Consulting, Training, Knowledge and implementation of Tools.VALUESInnovation based on experience. Collective Intelligence for the Age of Knowledge.Encourage synergy between people in the face of individualism and reductionism.OBJECTIVESCALS is a leading Business Consultant in Spain (IT, GRC, Cybersecurity and Logistics), having consolidated its position in the Market as an Integrated Services firm. High added value services are offered basing our day-to-day activities on the quality of our work, being flexible and fast in providing answers and solutions at all times:
Our goal is to understand that in the face of current and future systemic crises, in the aforementioned Change of Era , there is an urgent need for organizations to transform through a systemic approach. We are facing an era where sustainability and sustainability are required and it must be understood in the longer term.
Short-term and partial solutions no longer work and are even counterproductive .
Mission and Objectives